
How To Spot A Fake Coach Handbag

How To Spot A Fake Coach Handbag

Spotting a fake Coach Handbag could be difficult but I hope this guide will give you enough background to allow you to make a educated choice when purchasing multiple Coach purses. I will start with the obvious things to look for, especially if your shopping of the auction sites like ebay,Coach Outlet Bags,buy ray ban sunglasses, Yahoo or MSN auctions. Lets start from the top time.

First, take a look at the feed back for the seller. Ebay has a great system to allow patrons to leave feedback about their purchase. Check out the comments made. If the majority of the comments are negative then this is a good indication that you don want to deal with that seller. Obviously, the seller is not conducting a reputable business. Also, stay away from sellers with very little feedback. I characterize these sellers as only have 10 or less feedback. These sellers are just starting out and they may not know if they have a fake handbag or not. Even if they think that they truly have an original.

Next,Gucci Borse,how to make money online, take a look at the pattern on the outside fabric. The majority of the Coach brand has a logo of C. The C brand logo should start at the center of the bag and go out. The middle seem should go straight through the middle of the C. Take a look at the side seems. The ?pattern will be cut will be cut off on fake handbags. Also,ray ban clubmaster, on authentic bags the tip of the C should touch the tip of an opposite C.

Another sign that a Coach bag is fake is that the logo is incorrect. Some distributors change the logo to include GG instead of CC. This is a tall tail sign that the bag is fake. Pay close attention the fabric, it can tell you a lot about the quality and authenticity of a bag. Also,sfilata gucci, take a look at the stitching of the bag. Coach does not deliver authentic coach bags with poor stitching. Stitching that is off line or overlapping. Both are examples of very poor stitching.

Have you seen the style of bag that you are thinking of buying before? Distributors of fake material try to release brand new styles that have never been released by Coach in any way shape or form. This is why it is good to take a stroll around the high prices stores and take inventory of what Coach is releasing and compare your findings to what sellers are trying to push to you.

Take a look at the inner lining. Does the inner lining have the signature logo of Coach? If so,Coach Outlet Store, is the CC touching as the outside. Once again, how about the stitching? Is it sloppy? Look for a serial number inside the bag. The serial number is stamped on the inside on a square patch of leather sewn into the lining. Don be surprised this your smaller purse (the clutch,Beats By Dr Dre, swingback,Coach Outlet,Beats by Dr. Dre, or mini) does not have a serial number. These bags don come with them.

Let look at the outside again. Now let look at the hardware. Coach only uses the best hardware for their purses, case in point, the zipper. Coach only used that highest manufacturer of zippers. The brand stamps their mark on all of their zippers with KK? If you don see the KK?you know you have a fake Coach handbag.

How about the made by tag? Coach does have bags made in China. But Coach does not have handbags made in Korea. If you get a bag that says make in Korea take it back or return it immediately. This is not an authentic Coach purse.

I hope this article has put all the tools that you need to make a educated decision about purchasing a authentic Coach purse. This is a in depth book that highlights all the sign of a fake handbag.

