
Week in Review 13 Nov 2011

WhatIWore: Happy Sunday everyone! Here’s a quick review of the posts from the past week on What I Wore. I’m cozy on the couch, listening to This American Life and eagerly looking forward to a marathon Pinterest session. How are you spending your Sunday afternoon?


On Monday I combined a former DIY over dyed cardigan with a new-to-me vintage blouse I picked up over the weekend. 

For Tuesday I went with a khaki, olive and leopard print for a safari inspired outfit.

I wore my new navy lace skirt that paired perfectly with a super soft leather moto jacket on Wednesday.

This Thursday was like a Friday for me, so I opted for a casual vibe.


Do you rock black and blue? A collage of some of my favorites.

Paris in the springtime? Mais oui! I’m co hosting a trip to Paris this spring in partnership with Via Rue Travels. Join me!

And as I mentioned earlier, I’m crazy obsessed with Pinterest. I’m not sure if it’s the fashion or the food that has me wasting more time (in a good way?!)

